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This blog is not intended to promote hatred in any way. This blog does not support violence against civilians. This blog is directed against Islamic terrorism, communism, fascism, socialism, marxism and all ideologies that rejected the peace, The GOD and the mankind!

This is the most important thing!

† Knights Templar 2083 by Anders Breivik †

Islamic Colonization Danger

Yuri Bezmenov - How To Brainwash A Nation - Marxism Danger

March of the Templars

The future is ours!

They are freedom fighters!



Saturday, November 10, 2007

The God and the policy in the writings of Edmund Burke.

Often today with the advancement of the postmodern world we imagine that such a major issue like this for God is almost uniquely determined in favor of "killing" of the God by the modernism. We believe that the rationality is in itself answer, itself indulgence for the murder of God committed by the political rationalism. But there are people, even then, at the time of this case, who firmly stood opposite and sound so reasonable that you can ask the question "Who the hell is actually rationalists, people who believe in Him and not only that but they say that is the foundation of political order in general or those where the announce his death?". Quite complicated when in the place of real debate we can gather a true atheist and an even stronger Roman Catholic.

The question was never predetermine, as rationalists claim, because in the beginning they were defeated by Edmund Burke so far that Marx redefined everything about this dispute! The weakness of rationalist comes from their constant extreme hatred of the old order. Their blindness that leads to fatal consequences in the political aspect of the revolution itself. The voice of reason that they do not have and in their attempt to destroy the old order, they are actually at least rely on it. They may have realized that the common sense comes from elsewhere, and not by themselves and they have abandoned it for fear of reminding them of the God. Burke poses questions about the precise structure of the state and political order. Burke justifies the view of the world of politics and government in particular, as the primordial transcendental line having its highest end. In this view he found the state - as the fulfillment of everything. Definitely something very different, not just from the rationalists, but also from Saint Augustine. Saint Augustine argues that the state is only step to heaven, but Burke turns everything he says, the state is the ultimate goal of God! According to the rationalists, the new state have to kill God and the memory for him, but they destroyed its ultimate goal - the state on the Earth, not the heaven. In a letter Burke wrote: "I love the order as far as I know it because the universe itself is the order. I know that there is a order that holds things tight in place: This Order is created for us and we are created for him." But here the order is threatened by the revolution in France. Not just being threatened, the old order was destroyed. Universe was transposed, or rather turned upside down. Burke does not think so. He not only condemned the revolution, he predicted the political collapse accurately and with arguments. In the revolution he saw war against the very sense of the universe. There were no reforms, it is a bloody war against the established order of the universe and the God. Burke saw not just the overthrow of the king and the rejection of the divine state.

Jesus I Lift Your Name On High!

† In Hoc Signo Vinces! Semper fidelis! †

† In Hoc Signo Vinces! Semper fidelis! †

† Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!!! †

Eastern U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Eastern U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Western U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Western U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!


Christian Europe without Islamism and Marxism!!!! EU crusaders flag!!! the end of the World - 21.12.2012

True Christian Order!

True Christian Order!
The Order of the Dragon!

Second Revolution Flag!

Second Revolution Flag!

Gadsden flag!

Gadsden flag!