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This blog is not intended to promote hatred in any way. This blog does not support violence against civilians. This blog is directed against Islamic terrorism, communism, fascism, socialism, marxism and all ideologies that rejected the peace, The GOD and the mankind!

This is the most important thing!

† Knights Templar 2083 by Anders Breivik †

Islamic Colonization Danger

Yuri Bezmenov - How To Brainwash A Nation - Marxism Danger

March of the Templars

The future is ours!

They are freedom fighters!



Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Counter-revolution of the minority of the God.

Greetings brothers Crusaders! Happy New Year, remains little more to return of our God. Under the Crusaders I do not mean lying "crusaders," State Security agents, masons or other local or global slaves of the Global Totalitarian Mason-Socialist System (GTMSS). I'm talking to you right real global Christian patriots! Yes, it is the patriots here! Not for the wrong cause of nationalism, but for Christ's righteousness. More than clear is that when God came into this world in the image of man, God knew that we are one, that humanity is one single homogeneous mass, which must be composed of personalities and individuals serving of God in the image of God. This is very clear and for Lucifer. Because before a "the battlefield" between good and evil - the Earth, he be the first supposedly liberal opposition to the conservative and imposing God. What is The evil? The evil is denying opposing God's system. Opposition against God the Father. Worldwide, there are two systems. Good and Evil. This occupied by Satan in the human world, and this set by of God deep inside in a few people, many who have lost it. This is a battle. This is Armageddon. And God the Father and the Satan wants to achieve the total victory in the global Universal level, and this battle is global. Even wherever you find a different form of world/life this world/life will under the influence of same principle. God .... Lucifer ... Armageddon. It is clear that there is a conspiracy. Not only because it is described from ancient times. Obviously because of the sly human mentality and hypocrisy. Certainly those who opposed the God are intended domination in the global financial and carnal world, destroyers of the spiritual world of the individual through the conquering of the individual resources of the individuals. The Earth was different 10,000 years ago. And the law is rightfully to decent, fair and the smart. The world was with God, through God. Now it defended the thief, the murderer and the evil. The past is fairer, truer and the better than the modern period at the end of history in the last era of digital information towards awakening to the God. Fukuyama is right - the story has an end, but history will have the end product and he will be different to what we think at the moment and we are deceived to think that will end. End of story is to reach God! There are no little people. The path to globalization is not just a time and globalization is not just a term. In fact, the way not exist, and globalization has always been in force, according to our own views on spatial-temporal range and to our understanding of both, our world views. Globalization can be both of God and Devil. A road is only Jesus. Devil's no way in globalization. But now exactly the devil use it. While the God offers His own Son - the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God to us , as a way to reach the Father. The devil is trying to create the path by yourself and at the same time be opposed to God the Father. This is the human 3 dimensions + time world where God is difficult to reach - and this succeeded the Evil in this way gained little by little the world through incremental lies and the manipulations not only in historic scale back in the past, but in the manipulation of our future they plans are to develop this for achieving results at the end against the Father!

This term, however, is realistically conceived only in terms of mass conquering human beings. No God there in their global plan. The God is not in the mass. The mass is necessary evolutionary soup for the soul of the few who will be the products of this plan and they will defent the God. Will not be saved all. Will be saved few and these who take the pass all the way to go, which is being granted. At this point the plan the Devil in every condition will go against him. As you can see that to this day, they won ... almost. World is built on a common control system created by anti-Christian movements, many of them are ostensibly governed by God, but we all see their real nature and meaning of their existence. Perhaps it all started from one of the most ominous moment in the history of Christianity - The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799. Perhaps this is the first step to reaching today's global dominance of the Global Totalitarian Mason-Socialist System (GTMSS) in the world. The next action is the French Revolution of 1848, which is ostensibly bourgeois-democratic revolution, but actually generates the ideas of socialism and anti-Christian power over the resource. They say that but against capital, against that resource. But each system "is", and socialism is mainly dependent on the resource.

Then created the USSR. USSR is actually created from Germany with a view Russia to stop its participation in the WWI and Lenin and Trotsky were in fact German intelligence agents in the case of Germany which are given three gold wagons for carrying out the revolution and Officers of alcoholic criminal scum that bring down the monarchy by God and Set in international socialist totalitarian system ... real prototype of the Global Totalitarian Mason-Socialist System (GTMSS). Apparently it was believed that the USSR will have expansive success and will be able to conquer Europe back in the 30s. After World War II in the U.S. is building strong, free, democratic and capitalist Christian society (racism aside). After 1960, however, anomalies in the U.S. become a political level. Apparently people USSR created the project, so people did revolutions in Europe and responsible for two world wars and rally the people as puppets in them, then realize that the Soviet project as "old" Europe will fail. Almost U.S. is the leader of the world and the Soviet Union will play its part in the announcement of the U.S. in the aftermath of a sole leader, which will be used as a political tool for managing and taking over the world, not a throne, but as a lever.

In 1983 on September 1, plane of Korean Airline flight 007 - KAL747 was shot down by Soviet fighters in international waters in the Sea of Japan. In bestial act killed 269 people. Plane was shot down by fighters SU-15 made a visual contact with a target. The purpose of this act of violence is liquidation of acting Congressman from the United States and the nephew of the general Patton, namely Lawrence "Larry" Patton McDonald, he is a member of John Birch Society, the only organization that speaks more than that, there is a plan for the Global Totalitarian Mason-Socialist System (GTMSS) and that plan targets the destruction of the identity of the American nation. According to Yuri Bezmenov, Congressman was killed because of their findings for international socialist system, which aims to benefit from the US. If he were alive Lawrence "Larry" Patton McDonald was going to run for president in 1988.

Yuri Bezmenov himself is a former KGB agent and openly reveals all the objectives of the Global Totalitarian Mason-Socialist System (GTMSS) and the ways in which to conquer the world. According to Yuri has 4 stages. He says stage 3, stage called CRISIS. You are all aware that we are in it.

The goal is the eradication of capitalism, democracy and freedom. They are gone. Are replaced demoralization and destabilization. As a global socialist system, which has killed capitalism. Under capitalism manages successful projects. Under socialism washout, a liar and the one with money and connections to bribe certain people or to take advantage of party contacts! It was the aim of creating the myth of global climate change and human factors, to kill the U.S. economy and the American nation. It's interesting to see and why Hruschov and Kenedy were been removed and only when they began to talk among themselves and when Hruschov began policy of stabilizing or even beginning of democratization of the Soviet economy and agriculture, which was stopped by Brezhnev.

It's strange to see how the Secret Services themselves do so Kennedy is an easy target and the CIA are present on the liquidation of Bobby Kennedy. And Lee Harvey Oslald its very strange how can that marine travel undisturbed in 6 countries and enter into Russia and then to return undisturbed. Addition he had plans for liquidation of members of John Birch Society including American General.

CIA and KGB are one and they are the basis for the creation, organization, enforcement and detention powers of the Global Totalitarian Mason-Socialist System (GTMSS)! We keep a few basic things. Return of the God and freedom of information via the Internet! 21/12/2012!

But no one can destroy person .. God is inside of us, this link will not kill anyone in those few! Because they are the wealth and THE resource!

Jesus I Lift Your Name On High!

† In Hoc Signo Vinces! Semper fidelis! †

† In Hoc Signo Vinces! Semper fidelis! †

† Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!!! †

Eastern U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Eastern U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Western U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Western U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!


Christian Europe without Islamism and Marxism!!!! EU crusaders flag!!! the end of the World - 21.12.2012


True Christian Order!

True Christian Order!
The Order of the Dragon!

Second Revolution Flag!

Second Revolution Flag!

Gadsden flag!

Gadsden flag!