According to the Bible, the Antichrist will appear before the Second Coming and will frauds to many claiming it is Christ himself. Many believe that this will not be the Pope or other religious leader, but Satan himself in the glorious image of the angel in the Bible as it can be embodies. Vestibule of Hell was clearly open on September 11, 2001 with the attack on WTC and Pentagon.

Bush shown wisdom and Christian charity and humanity, and do not launched a nuclear attack against Islamic terrorists. In recent years we have seen "liberal" honestly Communist and Nazi-Islamist propaganda against Bush. All his action was measured and in protection of the good. In this conflict, his actions saved the lives of millions.
In Russia, Putin has managed to fool the people. Lies where the KGB (FSB) designed to keep Russia a totalitarian Communist country. Plan transformed a advanced capitalist socialist totalitarian communism. Then in Russia we witnessed the arrival of Medvedev. One subordinate to Putin. And after the election of President Obama he officially announced ambitions of the Russia not to comply with anyone and to be threat to our EU and U.S. in any way.
The coming of Obama was prepared for a long time. It began long ago. Maybe before 9 / 11. Since then, lies and spit began against George Bush. Were invented all sorts of false lies, slander and conspiracy. We watch now how all over the world Obama was adopted as the Messiah??? Like he was elected by the whole world. U.S. and Bush were hated, but since yesterday all anti-Americans and anti-Christians like the U.S. ... they love Obama. Who is Obama?
In Russia, Putin has managed to fool the people. Lies where the KGB (FSB) designed to keep Russia a totalitarian Communist country. Plan transformed a advanced capitalist socialist totalitarian communism. Then in Russia we witnessed the arrival of Medvedev. One subordinate to Putin. And after the election of President Obama he officially announced ambitions of the Russia not to comply with anyone and to be threat to our EU and U.S. in any way.
The coming of Obama was prepared for a long time. It began long ago. Maybe before 9 / 11. Since then, lies and spit began against George Bush. Were invented all sorts of false lies, slander and conspiracy. We watch now how all over the world Obama was adopted as the Messiah??? Like he was elected by the whole world. U.S. and Bush were hated, but since yesterday all anti-Americans and anti-Christians like the U.S. ... they love Obama. Who is Obama?

WHO IS OBAMA? Obama has financed a $ 1 million to Raila Odinga. On December 30, 2007 Kibaki his opponent won the election. Begin mass unrest extremely bloody clashes and hundreds of thousands are killed. Religious cleanses are performed by the people of Odinga. People of Odinga burn churches with women and children. Raila Odinga is a communist than Islamist. Odinga was educated in East Germany in 1970 and has been studied in the USSR. Odinga declared himself a champion of the poor. Odinga and Obama are cousins. In 2006, as a member of the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama has takes money from the American taxpayers to financing Islamist-Marxist totalitarian rule of his cousin Odinga. Odinga named his first son Fidel Castro. Odinga and Obama are cousins and in a common Islamic Kenyan tribe. Obama has openly criticized Christianity and even made fun of the Bible. Hussein Obama is supported by proven Satanists as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Castro, Putin and terrorist organizations like Hamas, Al-Qaida and others. Hussein Obama probably was not born in the US. Does not honor the American anthem, do not wear the traditional American flag badge.

Тhere is true Americans. I see in myself and like-minded friends and real Americans opposed to Barack Hussein Obama. America lives in us! It is said that in the Apocalypse only a small group of true Christians and true Jews will fight against Satan. And with the help of Jesus and the angels will defeat the hordes of the Antichrist from any human hordes. My words can not be taken literally. They mean that good has won, although now it seems that evil reigns after yesterday.
But it is written that evil will be defeated because Jesus is with us!
We will be free - or die trying!
But it is written that evil will be defeated because Jesus is with us!
We will be free - or die trying!