The new world is near!

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This blog is not created for hatred!

This blog is not intended to promote hatred in any way. This blog does not support violence against civilians. This blog is directed against Islamic terrorism, communism, fascism, socialism, marxism and all ideologies that rejected the peace, The GOD and the mankind!

This is the most important thing!

† Knights Templar 2083 by Anders Breivik †

Islamic Colonization Danger

Yuri Bezmenov - How To Brainwash A Nation - Marxism Danger

March of the Templars

The future is ours!

They are freedom fighters!



Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama and Biden > Osama bin Laden?

And Gorbachev said it: "change is coming, we will not have enemies," then you know what happened.These were not elections, it was a revolution that Marx (the genius of evil) was prophesied - that communism will win in the largest capitalist country. There has never been freedom and democracy in the world ... has a global totalitarian government united against free persons and the individuals. America has collapsed, this fact is already clear to everyone. Something broke in America. U.S. Dollar will be eternal, he is not U.S. currency, he is the currency of international corporate interests. The Еuro is weak. Finally opened the way for Communist expansion. Only 60 million voted for Barack Hussein Obama. Hillary Clinton with hereditary power "chokes" the U.S. with her feminist anti-human speech. Patriarchy died. Мatriarchy kills society.

Bush will be a hero one day, the flag of the fighters for freedom and Christian values ​​in the world - the only one who fights against the Islamic threat in the world, the only one who did not hesitate to believe that there is an Islamic conspiracy against the Western world.

Now is the time of the new racism, hate of the new different one. Today all the "new blacks" are referred to as BUSHmens, they hate us, misery we bring to people - just because we say that Islamic terror conquered us - we keep our word.

Jesus I Lift Your Name On High!

† In Hoc Signo Vinces! Semper fidelis! †

† In Hoc Signo Vinces! Semper fidelis! †

† Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat!!! †

Eastern U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Eastern U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Western U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!

Western U.S. flag of the Crusaders / Templars!


Christian Europe without Islamism and Marxism!!!! EU crusaders flag!!! the end of the World - 21.12.2012


True Christian Order!

True Christian Order!
The Order of the Dragon!

Second Revolution Flag!

Second Revolution Flag!

Gadsden flag!

Gadsden flag!